- Fondazione Collegio San Carlo – Filosofia con i bambini – Approfondimenti
- Officina filosofica – Bibliografia filosofia con bambini e adolescenti
- Phileas & Autobule, la revue des infantes philosophes – Les bibliographies
- Piccoli scrittori – Forum – Bibliografia Filosofia coi bambini
- Precollege Philosophy Education: History, Research & Curriculum Bibliographies
- Amica Sofia magazine
- Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis
- Diotime. Revue internationale de didactique de la philosophie
- ICPIC Journal: Childhood and Philosophy
- Journal of Philosophy in Schools
- Philéas & Autobule, la revue des infantes philosophes
- Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia e Educaçao
- Rivista digitale della didattica – Sezione Filosofia e bambini
Brenifier, Oscar
- Articoli scritti da Oscar Brenifier su “Diotime. Revue internationale de didactique de la philosophie”
- Oscar Brenifier, Como evitar las preguntas de los niños, “P@k-en-redes”, vol. 1, n. 9 (2011)
- Oscar Brenifier, Nasruddin Hodja, a master of the negative way, in José Barrientos Rastrojo (coord.),
Entre historia y orientación filosófica, 2006, pp. 137-154
- Oscar Brenifier, ¿Puede la filosofía convertirse en una práctica?, “Diálogo Filosófico”, vol. 68 (2007)
Lipman, Matthew
- Matthew Lipman, Critical thinking: What can it be?, “Analytic Teaching”, vol. 8, n. 1 (1987)
- Matthew Lipman, Harry Stottlemier’s discovery (1974)
- Matthew Lipman, Philosophical discussion plans and exercises, “Analytic Teaching”, vol. 16, n. 2 (1996)
- Matthew Lipman, Using philosophy to educate emotions, “Analytic Teaching”, vol. 15, n. 2 (1995)
- Matthew Lipman, Philosophy in the classroom(1977)
- Luca Mori (a cura di), Filosofia con i bambini. Il modello Ichnos, “Fare Filosofia”, 2015
- Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo, Un felice connubio di razionalità e libertà: la pratica “riflessiva” della “Philosophy for children” (P4C) di Matthew Lipman, “Itinera”, n. 10 (2015)
- Yahya Ghaedi, Mona Mahdian, Fatemeh Khoshnavay Fomani, Identifying dimensions of creative thinking in preschool children during implementation of Philosophy for children (P4C) Program: A directed content analysis, In: American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 3, n. 5 (2015)
- Yahya Ghaedi, The nature of Philosophy for children and its role in teaching and learning, “Philosophy Study”, vol. 5, n. 6 (2015)
- Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Philosophy for children and the ‘whole child’, “Journal of Philosophy in Schools”, vol. 2, n. 2 (2015)
- Rob Bartels and Jeroen Onstenk, P4D: Philosophy and democracy in the classroom, “Thinking: The journal of philosophy for children”, vol. 20, n. 3/4 (2012)
- Patrick Giddy, “Philosophy for children” in Africa: developing a framework, “South African Journal of Education”, vol. 32, n. 1 (2012)
- Oltre il fuoco nel camino, tesi di laurea di Emma Nanetti (anno accademico 2011-2012)
- Luca Mori, Serious games e simulazione come risorse per l’educazione, “META – Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy”, vol. 4, n. 1 (2012), pp. 56-72
- Clinton Golding, Educating Philosophically: The educational theory of Philosophy for children, “Educational Philosophy and Theory”, vol. 43, n. 5 (2011)
- Francesca Pulvirenti, Educazione al pensiero e affettività in M. Lipman, “Studi sulla formazione”, novembre 2011
- Amasa Philip Ndofirepi, Philosophy for children: the quest for an African perspective, “South African Journal of Education”, vol. 31, n. 2 (2011)
- Nancy Vansieleghem and David Kennedy, What is Philosophy for children, what is Philosophy with children – After Matthew Lipman?, “Journal of Philosophy of Education”, vol. 45, n. 2 (2011)
- Clinton Golding, “That’s a better idea!” philosophical progress for Philosophy for children, September 2010
- Franco Cambi, La «Philosophy for children» tra stile cognitivo e idea di cittadinanza, “Studi sulla formazione”, luglio 2010
- Academia Verlag, “Philosophieren mit Kindern”
- Gallimard Jeunesse, “Chouette Penser!”
- Junior Edizioni, area didattica, categoria “Filosofia per bambini”
- Liguori, collana “Impariamo a pensare” (Philosophy for children)
- Morlacchi editore, collana “Filosofia coi bambini”
- Nathan, “Philoz’enfants”
- Les petits Platons
- Le Pommier, “Philosopher?”
- Presses de l’Université Laval, collection “Dialoguer”
- Presses de l’Université Laval, “La Traversée”
- Mi domando come e perché. La filosofia per bambini e bambine (Mostra bibliografica svoltasi presso la Biblioteca comunale dei ragazzi di Firenze)
- L’Atelier philo
- Children and youth Philosophers
- Les gouters philo à l’école
- Kids Philosophy Slam
- Philéas & Autobule, les enfantes philosophes
- The P4C CO-operative
- P4C Comunità di ricerca filosofica
- PhiloEcole
- Philosophes en herbe
- Philosophie pour les enfants. Forum international francophone: lieu d’échanges et d’informations
- Philosophierwerkstatt, für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene
- SAPERE: Philosophy for Children, Colleges, Communities
- Teaching children philosophy
- Big Questions. Philosophy in Melbourne schools
- Cenci, Casa-Laboratorio
- Filosofia dei bambini, Scuola primaria “Vittorio Piccinini” di Roma
- Giovani pensatori
- Ludosofici
- PEACE: Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement
- Philosophy for Children in the Borderlands
- Stati generali filosofia bambini
- Amica Sofia
- Les autres philosophes
- CELAFIN: Centro latinoamericano de filosofía para niños
- Center for Philosophy for children
- Centro de filosofía para niños
- CRIF: Centro di Ricerca sull’Indagine Filosofica
- EARLI – European association for research on learning instruction
- FAPSA: Federation of Australasian Philosophy in Schools Associations
- Filosofiacoibambini
- GRUPIREF: Innovació i recerca per a l’ensenyament de la filosofia
- IAPC: Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
- ICPIC: The International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children
- IPP: Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques
- Menon: Developing dialogue through philosophical enquiry
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderphilosophie – Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
- p4cHI: The University of Hawai’i Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics Education
- La philosophie pour les enfants
- Philosophy for Children Alberta
- Sophia: European Foundation for the Advancement of Doing philosophy with Children