- Anthropology.net
- Anthropology on the Web – The University of Alabama, Department of Anthropology
- Anthropology Program – Behavioral Sciences Department, Palomar College, San Marcos (California)
- Anthropology Research Guide – College of DuPage Library
- Anthropology Resources on the Internet – American Anthropological Association
- Anthropos
- Anthropoweb, le Portail des Sciences Humaines-Anthropologies
- Antropologi.info
- Antropologica
- CyberPursuits: Anthropology
- DMOZ: Anthropology
- H-SAE: H-Net’s network for the Society for the Anthropology of Europe
- Open Anthropology Cooperative
- Video Portal for the History of German Anthropology post 1945
- Free Open Access Anthropology Journals
- American Ethnologist: Journal of the American Ethnological Society
- Annual Review of Anthropology
- Anthropoetics: The Journal of Generative Anthropology
- Anthropology Matters Journal
- Antropologia: Rivista semestrale di antropologia, diretta da Ugo Enzo, Mauro Fabietti
- Archivio antropologico mediterraneo
- Cahiers d’études africaines
- Dada: Rivista di antropologia post-globale
- Cultural Anthropology
- Ethnographiques.org: Revue en ligne de sciences humaines et sociales
- Ethnomusicology Review
- HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory
- L’Homme: Revue française d’anthropologie
- JASs: Journal of Anthropological Sciences
- Michigan Discussion in Anthropology
- Music & Anthropology: Journal of musical anthropology of the Mediterranean
- I Quaderni del Ramo d’oro: Periodico del Centro interdipartimentale di Studi antropologici sulla cultura antica
- Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology
- Analecta
- Anthrodigit doc: Archivio Digitale Italiano per l’Antropologia
- Anthrobase.com: Searchable, multilingual database of anthropological texts
- Les classiques des sciences sociales – UCAQ: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
- Cultures, Langues, Textes: La Revue de Sommaires
- Persée: Portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales
Balandier, Geroges
Les classiques de sciences sociales: Georges Balandier
Bastide, George
Persée – Portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales: À propos de quelques livres récents sur les Afro-Américains, Roger Bastide, in Cahiers d’études africaines, année 1960, volume 1, numéro 4 , pp. 115-124
Les classiques des sciences sociales: Roger Bastide
Bateson, Gregory
Internet Archive: Gregory Bateson
Benedict, Ruth
Internet Archive: Tales of the Cochiti Indians, by Ruth Benedicy (1931)
HathiTrust Digital Library: Benedict Ruth
Boas, Franz
Project Gutenberg: The Central Eskimo by Franz Boas
The Online Books Page: Franz Boas
Bourgois, Philippe
Philippe Bourgois
Clifford, James
James Clifford
De Martino, Ernesto
Bibliografia di Ernesto de Martino, a cura dell’Associazione internazionale Ernesto de Martino
it.: De Martino, Ernesto, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani
Descola, Philippe
Philippe Descola
Douglas, Mary
Mary Douglas interviewed by A. Macfarlane 26th February 2006
Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan
Internet Archive: Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Frazer, James George
James George Frazer, The Golden Bough, 1922
Internet Archive: James George Frazer
Geertz, Clifford
HathiTrust Digital Library: Clifford Geertz, Social change and economic modernization in two Indonesian towns: a case in point, 1962
Griaule, Marcel
Les classiques des sciences sociales: Marcel Griaule, Dieu d’eau. Entretiens avec Ogotemmêli (1948)
Latour, Bruno
Bruno Latour
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Internet Archive: Claude Lévi-Strauss
Les classiques des sciences sociales: Claude Lévi-Strauss
Monoskop: Claude Lévi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques, Paris, Plon, 1957
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien
Gallica: Lucien Lévy-Bruhl
The Online Books Page: Lucien Lévy-Bruhl
Les classiques des sciences sociales: Lucien Lévy-Bruh
Malinowski, Bronislaw
The Online Books Page: Bronislaw Malinowski
Mauss, Marcel
Les classiques des sciences sociales: Marcel Mauss
Gallica: Marcel Mauss, Essai sur le don: forme et raison de l’echange dans les societes archaiques, 1896
Mead, Margaret
HathiTrust Digital Library: Margaret Mead
The Online Books Page: Margaret Mead
Morgan, Lewis Henry
HathiTrust Digital Library: Lewis Henry Morgan
Marxist Internet Archive Reference Archive: Lewis H. Morgan, Ancient Society
Project Gutenberg: Henry Morgan Lewis, Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald
Internet Archive: Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, Method in social anthropology; selected essays (1958)
Internet Archive: Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, Structure and function in primitive society, essays and addresses; (1952)
HathiTrust Digital Library: Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, The Andaman islanders; a study in anthropology (Anthony Wilkin studentship research, 1906)
Sahlins, Marshall
The Online Books Page: Marshall Sahlins
Prikly Paradigm Press: Marshall Sahlins, Waiting for Foucault, Still
Sergi, Giuseppe
Internet Archive: Giuseppe Sergi
Tylor, Edward Burnett
HathiTrust Digital Library: Edward Burnett Tylor
Internet Archive: Edward Burnett Tylor, Totem-post from the Haida Village of Masset; Two British Columbian House-posts with Totemic Carvings; Remarks on Totemism (1898)
The Online Books Page: Edward B. Tylor
Project Gutenberg: Edward B. Tylor, Anahuac: or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern
Van Gennep, Arnold
Les classiques des sciences sociales: Arnold van Gennep
The Online Books Page: Arnold van Gennep
White, Leslie A.
HathiTrust Digital Library: Leslie A. White, The evolution of culture; the development of civilization to the fall of Rome, 1959
HathiTrust Digital Library: Leslie A. White, The pueblo of Sia, New Mexico, 1962
- AISEA – Associazione Italiana per le Scienze Etno-Antropologiche
- American Anthropological Association
- The American Folklife Center
- American Ethnological Society
- Association Française des Anthropologues
- Associazione internazionale Ernesto De Martino
- Centro Flog Tradizioni popolari
- EASA – European Association of Social Anthropologists
- FITP – Federazione Italiana Tradizioni Popolari
- ISItA – Istituto Italiano di Antropologia
- IUAES – The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
- Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
- RAI – The Royal Anthropological Institute
- SIMBDEA – Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni Etnoantropologici
- Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History – Department of Anthropology
- Società Italiana di Antropologia e Etnologia
- Society for Applied Anthropology
- The Society for Ethnomusicology